Most tracks are more difficult to "go around" then the oval. If you catch pole position in a qualification on a circuit track, you can take a start/finish lead and win the race. That´s impossible on oval. That´s all the sentence "Oval is fighting opponents, not fighting the track" is about.
Sounds like you get something wrong. I didn´t call you a noob, I just sayed that I can´t understand that someone (who never tries T3) can even have a opinion about it.
Ever tried T3 with RAC/FZ5/LX6? Please try it and tell me about how easy it is. For the hardest corner my mate: Read the complete post, don´t rip one part out of it and change the point of view with this.
My kind of attitude. Nice. Your type of attitude is sticking your nose into things you don´t understand and claim to have a opinion about it. You sayed T3 is easy to drive. Everyone (who knows the track) will agree that this is completly bs and just a stupid flame in a thread about something you don´t know. And you talk about my attitude...
CS? I don´t like games where you have to kill other players. But thx anyway. I feel much home inside my Fragmaster Community. Also here are some cool guys. I still don´t like stupid post in oval threads that´s all. If you don´t like oval, don´t play it. But don´t spread lies (easy t3) around here. Another fact is that you are NOT a lfs player that plays a lot if you see the statistics.
Erm... what about keeping the mouth close? If you don´t like oval. Ok. But noone cares. Guys like you still boring us with your contra-oval-blah. Master Turn 3. Otherwise. Shut up! Looking into your statistics says all shotglass. Big mouth, no skill. illepall
Years ago I was really unhappy about womens parking places. Till someone explainted me the reason. If you seperate womens from mens places, no women can damage your car while parking. Simple.